Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine

Marie-Curie Action: "Initial Training Networks"


Viewing posts from September, 2013

Summer School „Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine“ in Tübingen, Germany

Posted by: MLPM-Admin 11 years, 6 months ago

From September 23 till September 27, 2013, 70 researchers are participating in the summer school „Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine“ (MLPM) at the Max Planck Campus Tübingen, Germany. Machine Learning is emerging as a key discipline in handling large data sets, for example in Biology and Medicine. To date, there is a lack of experts in this research field. Within the MLPM-Network, funded by the European Union and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt, during the next years 14 young researchers are trained at the interface of Machine Learning and Statistical Genetics.  The goal of the MLPM-network is to overcome many of the key methodological challenges that personalized medicine faces today and keep it from rising to the next level.

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