Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine

Marie-Curie Action: "Initial Training Networks"


Within MLPM, three summer schools (2013, 2014, 2015) and a two-part closing conference (May and October 2016) are organized by the network partners.

  • The 1st MLPM Summer School was held from Sept 23 to Sept 27, 2013 at the Max Planck Institute in Tübingen, Germany. (Organizers: Karsten Borgwardt, Matthias Tröndle, and Chloé Azencott, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany)
  • The 2nd MLPM Summer School took place from Sept 11 to Sept 19, 2014 at Institut Curie in Paris, France. (Organizers: Jean-Philippe Vert, Chloé Azencott, Mines ParisTech, France, and Florence Demenais, INSERM, Paris, France)
  • The 3rd MLPM Summer School took place from September 21 to September 25, 2015 in Manchester, UK. (Organizers: Neil Lawrence and Max Zwießele, University of Sheffield, UK; Stephen Melia, Health e-Research Centre, Manchester, UK)

  • The first part of the closing conference was organised as a satellite meeting of the European Human Genetics Conference 2016. It took place from May 19-20, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain (Organizers: ITN students, supported by Birgit Knapp and Karsten Borgwardt, ETH Zürich, Basel, Switzerland)

  • The final ITN meeting will take place Oktober 20-21 in Munich, Germany.